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Plant  List

flax-leaved stiff aster

Aster, flax-leaved stiff

Ionactis linariifolia

smooth blue aster

Aster, smooth blue

Sympyotrichum laeve

northeastern beardtongue

Beardtongue, northerneastern

Penstemon hirsutus

wild bergamot

Bee balm, wild bergamot

Monarda fistulosa

blue lobelia

Blue lobelia

Lobelia siphilitica

Bush Honeysuckle

Diervilla lonicera

closed gentian

Closed gentian

Gentiana clausa

golden Alexander

Golden Alexander

Zizia aurea

downy goldenrod

Goldenrod, downy

Solidago puberula

Joe-pye weed

Joe-pye weed

Eutrochium ?

marsh marigold

Marsh marigold

Caltha palustris

swamp milkweed

Milkweed, swamp

Asclepias incarnata

tall anemone

Tall anemone

Anemone virginiana

large-leaved wood aster

Aster, large-leaved wood

Eurybia divaricata

foxglove beardtongue

Beardtongue, foxglove

Penstemon digitalis

spotted bee balm

Bee balm, spotted

Monarda punctata

Scotch bellflower

Bellflower, Scotch

Campanula rotundifolia



Eupatorium perfoliatum

cardinal flower

Cardinal flower

Lobelia cardinalis

cranesbill geranium

Cranesbill geranium

Geranium maculatum

blue-stem goldenrod

Goldenrod, blue-stem

Solidago caesia

seaside goldenrod

Goldenrod, seaside

Solidago sempervirens



Canus familiaris

butterfly weed

Milkweed, butterfly

Asclepias tuberosa

New Jersey tea

New Jersey tea

Ceanothus americanus

white wood aster

White wood aster

Eurybia divaricata

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